ict market study (2021)
Joint study with Authority for Info-communications Technology Industry (AITI)
This study focuses on how to grow the ICT industry in Brunei in terms of its contributions to the economy and creating sustainable and good paying jobs by stimulating the digitisation of MSMEs.
The survey results of 448 MSMEs show: (i) good potential for strong domestic demand for digital workers, (ii) many MSMEs are already using a limited number of digital tools and have plans to expand their use, (iii) ICT firms report limited capabilities and are not yet internationally competitive.
The identified priority areas in the ICT industry are enterprise solutions, digital marketing, digital content, and project management. The study recommends growing the demand and supply of digital products and services. The demand side programme includes a pilot SME digital transformation project and providing targeted support. The supply side includes tech immersion, conditional cost sharing, subsidies and academic credit to university students, and creation of a GovTech institution.
commercialisation of brunei darussalam's aviation sector (2017)
Joint study with Ministry of Transport and Infocommunications
This study examines the reasons for the modest traffic growth at the Brunei International Airport, assesses its commercialisation potential, and provides policy recommendations in line with international best practices to improve the airport’s operations.
The study finds that the Department of Civil Aviation (DCA) is both the regulator of the aviation industry and operator of navigation and airport services, which creates a conflict of interest. Although airport charges are internationally competitive, ground-handling charges imposed by Royal Brunei Airlines (RB) are significantly higher than regional peers. In addition, RB’s control over departure and arrival slots and provision of ground-handling services are potential sources of anti-competitive practice.
Policy options include separation of the role of the regulator by either setting up an independent authority or commercialising the airport operations, improve competition oversight by DCA to reduce anti-competitive practices in ground handling service provision and airport slot allocation, and unbundling airport services and charges by allowing operations at remote stands.
National Master Plan for a Sustainable Land Transportation System (2014)
Joint study with Ministry of Transport and Infocommunications, Ministry of Development, and SQW Atkins
Land Transport Masterplan Executive Summary (download here)
This project provides the first national master plan for a sustainable land transportation system to meet the demands based on projections of 4% GDP growth and a population of 800,000 people.
The study focuses on a multimodal land transportation strategy for increased connectivity between rural and urban areas to social amenities, schools, and workplaces, as well as accessibility to all, including low-income groups, while maintaining road safety and preserving the environment.
Based on survey data of 80,866 travelers, it was estimated that the average time spent travelling per day was 42.8 minutes in 2012. Without changes to the land transportation system, this is projected to increase to 72.8 minutes in 2025 and 150.2 minutes in 2035 under a moderate 4% GDP and population growth scenario.
With the options proposed in the study, the average journey time in 2025 is estimated to be reduced to at least the baseline level in 2012. The options are also estimated to reduce the average journey time in 2035 to within 1 to 11 minutes of the baseline level. This is despite the number of trips per day projected to increase by 65.2% in 2025 and 146.5% in 2035 compared to 2012.
The main transportation modes proposed include extension to roads and highways; fuel efficient green vehicles; expansion and regulation of the taxi system; a more efficient school bus system; increased pedestrianisation; improved parking planning, regulation, and management; a bus rapid transport (BRT) system serving four major lines along radial corridors anchored by park-and-ride facilities; and using intelligent transport systems (ITS) to facilitate network and transport management nationwide.
The findings and recommendations from this study have been applied in the Ministry of Communications Land Transport White Paper.
a Blueprint for Vision 2035 Sustainable and Inclusive Land Transport System for Brunei Darussalam (2017)
Joint study with Ministry of Transport and Infocommunications
This blueprint focuses on low-cost and implementable initiatives to improve Brunei's public transportation system over the next ten years.
Four key strategic themes are proposed: (i) promoting public transport; (ii) improving and innovating on-demand transport services; (iii) tackling traffic congestion and pollution; and (iv) strengthening planning and delivery. A total of 15 strategic initiatives under these themes were proposed.
This blueprint has been accepted and tabled to the National Committee of Public Transportation.
Improving Brunei's Bus Transport System: the Case for Subsidizing Public Transport (2017)
Joint study with Ministry of Transport and Infocommunications
This study is a key component of the land transport blueprint proposed by CSPS.
It highlights six initiatives to develop an efficient, reliable, and safe public bus transport system: (i) increasing connectivity; (ii) improving reliability; (iii) investing in infrastructure; (iv) harnessing technology; (v) reforming the industry structure; and (vi) regulating public transport. The study also outlined other benefits of a functioning public transport system, such as a reduction in congestion and travel time, fuel subsidies, traffic-related casualties, and increased mobility for the disadvantaged.