Brunei National Survey on Risk Factors on Non-Communicable Diseases (2016)
Joint study with Ministry of Health
A national survey was conducted covering a total of 2,688 households to determine the prevalence of risk factors for non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and to monitor the effectiveness of strategies in addressing NCDs. The results from the survey have been used by MOH in their policies and programmes, as part of the Brunei Darussalam National Multisectoral Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases (BruMAP-NCD) 2013-2018.
study on impact of anti-smoking advertisement in brunei cinemas (2014)
Joint study with Health Promotion Centre, Ministry of Health
This study assesses the impact of an anti-smoking advertisement on cinema patrons.
A survey of more than 500 respondents shows that a majority agreed that the advertisement was attention-grabbing, impactful to make smokers consider to quit smoking, creates awareness of the dangers and addictive nature of smoking, and provided sufficient information on where to seek help.
The study recommends to also produce the advertisement in English to cater to non-Malay speakers, to step up prevention campaigns in addition to anti-smoking advertisements, and consider more targeted messages to hard-core smokers and the youth.
should brunei adopt a self-certifying medical leave policy? (2014)
This study assesses the use of a self-certifying medical leave (SCML) policy to reduce time wastage, administrative burden on the Ministry of Health, and to increase workforce productivity. We examined the best practices of other countries, including ASEAN countries and developed countries such as Australia, Canada, Germany, New Zealand, and United Kingdom.
The study recommends for the abolition of Medical Leave certification for minor illnesses in favour of SCML provision for a specified number of days per year. The recommendation from this study has been applied in the public sector since September 2016.
Brunei Health System Survey (2013)
Joint study with Ministry of Health and RTI International
This study measures the public’s perceptions, expectations, and behaviors related to the healthcare system.
The survey includes 1,197 face-to-face, household survey of the population across the four districts. The results show that healthcare utilisation varies by ethnicity, district of residence, health status, and income. Chinese households and those with higher incomes were less likely to utilise public healthcare compared to private healthcare services. Temburong district has the lowest healthcare utilisation rate. People with poor health were much more likely to use government hospital services.