CSPS REPORT provide an in-depth look into the research projects that have been conducted by the Centre, the findings, and importantly, the policy recommendations. Topics covered include social and economic development, policy planning, and sustainable development in Brunei Darussalam.

Research projects may be conducted as the Centre's own initiative or at the request of stakeholders.


You may purchase any of the published CSPS Report at CSPS' Office, Simpang 347, Jalan Pasar Baru Gadong BE1318, Brunei Darussalam. Each report is BND$10.00.

You may also place your order by emailing publications@csps.org.bn. You may pick up your order at the address stated above or a delivery can be arranged. Payment can be made in cash upon receipt of order or through online transfer (CSPS' bank details will be emailed to you). Please state your preferred method of delivery and payment.

For published reports, abstracts are available for download (click on the image for download).

These reports are not available for sale.

  • Brunei Economic Outlook 2023 by Koh Wee Chian, Giuseppe Rizzo, Yuzilawati Abdullah, Redhuan Rajak
  • Creating Digital Jobs in Brunei Darussalam: Final Report (2021) by Giuseppe Rizzo, Redhuan Rajak & Eduardo Araral (Visiting Consultant)
  • Royal Brunei Police Force (RBPF) Strategic Plan 2021-2026 Report B (2021) by Diana Cheong
  • Royal Brunei Police Force (RBPF) Strategic Plan 2021-2026 Report A (2021) by Diana Cheong
  • Study of Reasons for the Commission of Theft by Convicted Persons Currently in Prison: Final Report (2021) by Diana Cheong, Azrinah Rahman, Giuseppe Rizzo, Koh Wee Chian, Kartini Rahman
  • National Youth Policy and Strategy Report B (2018) by Diana Cheong
  • National Youth Policy and Strategy Report A (2018) by Diana Cheong
  • Mid-Term Review (MTR) of the implementation of the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC) Blueprint 2025: Final Report (2018) by Koh Wee Chian & Azrinah Rahman
  • Study of Youth Unemployment in Brunei Darussalam: Towards a Sustainable Job Future: Final Report (2018) by Diana Cheong, Giuseppe Rizzo, Azrinah Rahman, Yuzilawati Abdullah, Liew Chee Hau, Redhuan Rajak
  • Implementation Updates on the 2015 White Paper on Making Brunei Darussalam The Preferred Holiday Destination for All: Final Report (2018) by Diana Cheong, Giuseppe Rizzo & Redhuan Rajak
  • Financial Literacy Survey 2018: Final Report (2018) by Giuseppe Rizzo

Financial Literacy Survey and National Strategy (2016)

by Giuseppe Rizzo

The Autoriti Monetari Brunei Darussalam (AMBD) commissioned CSPS to conduct the Financial Literacy Survey and National Strategy Project to measure the level of financial literacy in Brunei Darussalam and to identify strategies to enhance the understanding of finance in the country. With a more financially literate population, Brunei will be able to achieve higher financing well-being through the access to well-suited financial products as well as credible and independent information and advice.

The project is in line with the three main objectives of Wawasan 2035: (1) achieving a well-educated and highly-skilled population; (2) enhancing the quality of life of households; and (3) attaining a dynamic and sustainable economy.

White Paper on Making Brunei Darussalam the Preferred Holiday Destination for All by 2025 (2015)

by Diana Cheong & Kartini Rahman

This White Paper was prepared in collaboration with the Autoriti Monetari Brunei Darussalam (AMBD) to better understand how Brunei Darussalam can make its leisure and recreational options more attractive to local patrons. It is well acknowledged that having adequate leisure and recreational facilities is imperative to keep the population healthy in the dynamic and often stressful modern day and age. In addition, having local patrons spending more at home would create numerous business opportunities in Brunei.

This whitepaper is in line with the two main objectives of Wawasan 2035: (1) a quality of life among the top 10 nations; and (2) a dynamic and sustainable economy.

Land Optimization Strategy for Industrial and Commercial Growth in Brunei Darussalam (2013)

by Giuseppe Rizzo & SGS Economics and Planning

CSPS commissioned SGS Economics and Planning to prepare a land optimization strategy for industrial and commercial growth in Brunei Darussalam. The strategy takes into full account the quantum of land currently available in Brunei and the multiple potential uses of the available land. Moreover, the strategy was developed accounting for the industrial and commercial land that would be required to achieve and maintain economic diversification through 2035 and beyond.

This commissioned project is in line with the Wawasan 2035 objective of having a dynamic and sustainable economy.

Brunei Energy Efficiency and Conservation Study: Roadmap Formulation and Policy (2012)

by MRI (Tetsuya Enomoto) & Koh Wee Chian

CSPS in collaboration with the Energy Deparment at the Prime Minister's Office (now the Energy and Industry Department), engaged the consultancy services of Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc. to undertake a national study on energy efficiency and conservation (EEC) given Brunei's Darussalam's relatively high energy use and its dependence on fossil fuel for energy. The roadmap advises how Brunei can become more fuel efficient given its resource constraint taking into account the likely increase in the demand for energy stemming from Brunei's economic growth and development aspirations.

This roadmap supports two key objectives of Wawasan 2035: (1) having a quality of life among the top 10 nations in the world; and (2) having a dynamic and sustainable economy.

Alternative Energy Sources for Brunei Darussalam (2012)

by Powertech Inc. & Diana Cheong

This report, conducted by CSPS, explored the possibility of an energy future that is based on alternative energy sources and technologies, in addition to oil and gas. This energy future will ensure there is sufficient electricity for local citizens and for export, create jobs, meet environmental targets and create opportunities for Brunei to develop as a premier centre for energy research and development.

This report supports all the main objectives of Wawasan 2035.

A Study of Unemployment Issues among Registered Job Seekers in Brunei Darussalam (2009)

by Diana Cheong & Roger Lawrey

This report was a joined initiative between CSPS and Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD) to better understand the unemployment situation in Brunei Darussalam. The main deliverable of the report was to identify the different types of unemployment in Brunei and provide recommendations as how to minimise the unemployment issue taking into account that different types of unemployment would require different policy responses.

This report supports all the main objectives of Wawasan 2035.

Brunei Pension Report (2007)

by The World Bank

This CSPS report which was conducted by the World Bank examined the provision of mandatory pension and survivorship benefits by mandatory pension schemes in Brunei including the benefit entitlements provided to retirees at different income levels. The report recommended and provided a detailed outline for the establishment of a Supplementary Contributory Pension Scheme (SCP). This recommendation has now been implemented on a national scale.

This report supports the Wawasan 2035 objectives of (1) having a quality of life among the top 10 nations; and (2) having a sustainable economy.

Economic Diversification in Negara Brunei Darussalam (2007)

by Manu Bhaskaran

The CSPS report by the Centennial Group explored Brunei Darussalam's ever pertinent problem of economic diversification which has not been solved despite best efforts made to tackle the problem. The report takes a multi-thronged approach and recommends Brunei to create a better enabling environment with the Government as a pro-active enabler of development. As is already well known, Brunei's future will be highly contingent on its ability to diversify its economy.

This report covers the entirety of the Wawasan 2035 objectives.

Economic Diversification (2007)

by Mark Crosby

Mark Crosby, previously Associate Dean at the Melbourne Business School, Austalia (now Director at Monash University), provided an in depth study of Brunei's economic diversification issue in this CSPS report. The report attempts to answer why Brunei has been unable to successfully implement its diversification plans bearing in mind that continuing down the current path is likely to lead to an 80% drop in GDP when Brunei's oil reserves run out.

This report is relevant for all the objectives of Wawasan 2035.

Social Security Roundtable 2007 Follow-up Report (2007)

by American Insurance Group (AIG)

The American Insurance Group (AIG) provided a report describing the Supplemental Contributory Plan (now called Retirement Income Plan) which was presented to the relevant stakeholders during the Social Security Roundtable 2007. The plan is designed to enhance Brunei's current pension system for employees who began employment after 1992 by mandating monthly contributions. The aim is to ensure that the employees in question have a sufficient level of lifetime monthly income during their retirement years.

This report supports the Wawasan 2035 objectives of (1) having a quality of life among the top 10 nations; and (2) having a sustainable economy.