MARCH 03, 2024
The Centre for Strategic and Policy Studies (CSPS) announced the debut of its inaugural Strategic Thinking Training Course on February 28-29.
The course, designed to equip professionals with critical strategic thinking skills, featured facilitators Stephen Lin from Haines Centre for Strategic Management in Singapore, Dr Azrinah Rahman and Yuzilawati Abdullah from CSPS.
Leveraging their expertise and experience, the facilitators provided insights and practical strategies to help participants navigate complex challenges and make informed decisions.
“We were thrilled by the high level of interest by professionals across various sectors as the sold-out event reaffirmed the demand for specialised training in strategic thinking,” said Dr Azrinah.
Participants expressed satisfaction for the programme, citing its relevance and practical applicability to their professional endeavours with many commended the interactive sessions, engaging discussions, and comprehensive learning materials provided throughout the course.
A similar course will be offered in the future, according to CSPS.
Source: @borneobulletin