August 19, 2017

FORTY participants that attended the Centre for Strategic and Policy Studies (CSPS) flagship Executive Development workshop series on Strategic Foresight and Strategic Planning received their certificates of participation for completing the first of three workshops in the series.
Award certificates were also presented to Jolkipli bin Haji Hidop, Senior Research Officer at the Ministry of Defence; Jason Lih Cheng Kok, Manager at Autoriti Monetari Brunei Darussalam; and Mohammad Munawir Shazali bin Haji Md Idris, Special Duties Officer at the Prime Minister’s Office, for being the three best Brunei Futurists by showing a deep understanding of futures and strategic foresight and its application in policy.
In addition, the winning team for the deck card game – a novel and entertaining activity which tests your future goals against many possible future scenarios – was also honoured with accolades. The certificates of completion were presented to the participants by Dr Diana Cheong, CSPS Chief Researcher, while the awards and accolades were presented by Dr Ivana Milojevic, CSPS Senior Researcher, and Dr Jose Ramos, Director of Action Foresight in Australia.
The workshop was well received by the participants. One participant commented that knowing the different methods of thinking about the future helps organise the way that change is thought about and thus implemented.
The participants will return to CSPS for the second and third legs of the workshop series respectively entitled ‘Strategic Planning Using Systems Thinking’ and ‘Action Learning and Evaluation’ which will take place in September and November.